2023 News

Su Guo, PhD, will lead a new center to increase collaboration between clinical, translational, and discovery science in teaching and research.
gloved hands hold a pipette to a vial.
Students keep pace with latest innovations through experiential options and advanced degrees.
Computational biology and protein engineering expert will focus on cultivating collaboration.
Nevan Krogan receives award.
QBI publishes breakthrough on COVID-19 variants; Nevan Krogan recognized as trailblazer.
Dean Kathy Giacomini shares how the School’s recent breakthroughs and accomplishments are bringing our new strategic plan to life.
bioartificial kidney
Scientists have shown for the first time that kidney cells—housed in an implantable device called a bioreactor—can survive while implanted.
Giacomini and delegate.
A delegation from South Korea visited to sign a Memorandum of Understand (MOU) initiating potential collaborations between UCSF and Korean schools of pharmacy.
This ninth year of awards focuses on research advancing health and furthering understanding related to cancer, diabetes, HIV testing, immune response, and more.
James Fraser, PhD, plans to build on department strengths in computational biology and promote open science.
Giacomini, Hartman, and Gupton sit in front of microphones on a conference stage
The FDA announces the Centers of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSI) renewals, granting up to $50M for UCSF’s joint effort with Stanford.
Award from her alma mater recognizes Giacomini as a leading scientist and pharmacogenomics expert.
Davies stage with faculty, audience, and UCSF banners.
Honoring the School’s newest PharmD graduates.
Shuvo Roy Headshot
On June 12, The Kidney Project was awarded a $1 million Artificial Kidney Prize from KidneyX for advancing its prototype bioartificial kidney toward a full-sized, human scale, with manufacturing and ultimately clinical trials on the horizon.
Melano and Cruz-Gonzalez
PSPG and BMI graduate students will bring their scientific talents and passion for equity to Genentech during their summer internships.
Leslie Benet, PhD, was recognized for outstanding contributions in the fields of biopharmaceuticals and pharmacokinetics.
Roy holds a tan device with tubes coming out of it
The Kidney Project is featured in an outlook in Nature.
Graduate student in the Dumont Lab is honored for research on the mitotic spindle.
A ball and stick model of a protein with allosteric sites shown as red spheres
Research from QBI illuminates the interconnected nature of molecular networks.
School research into health, disease, and medicine earned the most NIH research dollars of any U.S. pharmacy school for the 43rd consecutive year.
The UCSF Bay Area Youth Science (BAYS) program prepares high school students from historically excluded backgrounds for STEM careers.
Wilder and Zaro
Zaro and Wilder share their passion for science as part of International Women and Girls in Science Day.
Leader in genetics and genomics will helm collaborative efforts across UCSF
The School of Pharmacy’s dean was honored with an award named after one of her scientific heroes.
Giacomini, Hartman, and Gupton sit in front of microphones on a conference stage
Academia, government, and industry come together to address today’s most pressing issues in the regulation of medical products, from diversity in clinical trials to misinformation.