Categories: Research

Prien and MacWilliam bequests establish new endowed professorships

The UCSF School of Pharmacy has established new endowed faculty positions to be held by the chairs of two School departments.

FDA funds UCSF-Stanford CERSI

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has awarded the UCSF-Stanford Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (UCSF-Stanford CERSI) a five-year grant with up to $25 million in funding.

Giacomini honored with ASCPT Distinguished Service Award

Kathy Giacomini, PhD, has been named the 2017 recipient of the Henry W. Elliott Distinguished Service Award from the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ASCPT).

Founded in 1900, ASCPT comprises more than 2,200 members whose primary interest is to advance the science and...

Giacomini co-led study finds gene variant affecting response to leading diabetes drug

Metformin is the most widely used initial medication for controlling blood sugar (glucose) in type 2 diabetes, a disease affecting 350 million people worldwide. The drug helps reduce their risk of complications leading to heart, eye, and kidney disease.

Weaver’s research featured in Cell Stem Cell

Research results from the lab of Valerie Weaver, PhD, were reported online July 21, 2016 in Cell Stem Cell. The article’s title is “Tissue Mechanics Orchestrate Wnt-Dependent Human Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation.”
