Categories: Honors and Awards

Desai wins Chancellor Award for Advancement of Women

Honor recognizes outstanding commitment and service to the advancement of women

The Kidney Project successfully tests a prototype bioartificial kidney

The Kidney Project earned a $650,000 award for a successful demonstration of its artificial kidney

2021 Mary Anne Koda-Kimble Seed Award for Innovation funds tomorrow’s discoveries

The Mary Anne Koda-Kimble Seed Award for Innovation will fuel eight bold research projects across the School this year

Kroetz awarded the Jere E. Goyan Presidential Chair

Kroetz honored for long career in pharmacogenomics

Shipman receives NIH Director’s New Innovator Award

Award funds research into tools for repairing mutations in mitochondrial DNA

Office of Education and Instructional Services receives Boyden Staff Service Award

Sixteen School of Pharmacy staff members were recognized for their ongoing work supporting the PharmD program

Update from the Dean: Back to school

Dean Guglielmo provides updates on ongoing efforts with science, education, and patient care in the School.

Update from the Dean: Building community while staying safe

Our COVID-19 response: As we return to campus, everyone’s well-being is our top concern. But we also need to consider the need to maintain and strengthen community.
