The Toby Herfindal Presidential Chair for Entrepreneurship and Innovation will be used to support faculty members and/or graduate students in the UCSF School of Pharmacy
Students, faculty, staff, and alumni celebrated the School of Pharmacy's long history of achievement in the discovery and clinical sciences, and clinical practice, at Alumni Weekend 2019.
“Challenging the status quo leads to very good things,” said Glen L. Stimmel, PharmD ’72, who has spent a career doing just that. As a motto, it has served him, and his profession, quite well.
A beloved educator and alumnus of the UCSF School of Pharmacy, Robert D. Gibson, PharmD ’58, died on July 19 at the age of 93. Gibson had an illustrious career over five decades at UCSF and was a strong national leader for diversity in the pharmacy profession.
Sessions include: quickly identifying molecules that show potential as drugs; improving access and treatments for AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis; why curiosity and imagination are taking the place of memorization the PharmD curriculum. Honoring the Class of 1968. Kennedy receives Distinguished...